1 Thessalonians 5v23 talks about three immunities – the spirit, the soul and the body. The spirit of your mind talks the strength or quality or sanctity of your soul. We all are aware of only physical immune system. We boost that immune system by taking food, supplement etc. If your biological immune system is strong but if your mind isn’t strong then your biological immune system, though it is able to do work, but your mind will not give permission for it to complete the work. So, you finally break down. Your mind has to be as strong as your immune system. If your physical immune system is strong and your spirit, soul and mind are strong, then it matches. The spirit develops an immune system according to what God has provided for you in the redemption. So, how do we utilize spiritual immunity? We believe what God has done and we appropriate it by accepting it. Spiritual immunity most of it is installed. It is already operational in those who are saved i.e. those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Three immune system spirit, soul and body. We start from natural– that is what people see and are acquainted with. Then we go to the first level of spiritual which is the soul. The spirit of your mind is the focus because it holds all three together. It connects to your spirit and your body in the most effective form and fashion. No matter what you have or what you know, you must build these three immune systems. Build your spirit by exercising yourself in spiritual things. Take what God says. The spirit of your mind is the voice of your soul. Never say ‘yes’ when you don’t understand. You are blocking the sharpness of your mind. And the spirit of your mind must be clear for you to have your immunity strong. What determines best immunity in all these? The plan of God, the gift of God. The best immune system is the immune system of Christ. All three are one – the spirit, the soul and the body. No one is different. Christ’s spirit is as strong as His soul. Christ’s soul is as strong as His body. That was why He had to say “Father into your hands, I commend my spirit” Perfect example of the spirit of the mind because until the spirit of the mind releases permission to the body to die or to receive to allow it to dominate this system of physical biological immunity, the body will not move. For example, until the baby knows fear, the body will not respond to fear. We all learnt fear. Unless the mind knows, the body doesn’t respond. If you believe for the resurrection life in your body, don’t give up. Use the spirit of your mind. There are some folks who are confused in their mind because in their mind they have different personalities. If you are such person, then the quality of your soul and immunity is weak. So, you can have weak immunity in the spirit of your mind – a weak soul (3 John 2). If you are not stationed and focused on what you should do, on who you are and are always changing according to the people, then you have a weak soul. James 1v17; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” God is the father of light and has no shadows of turning. He is not variable. Jesus has stable character. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hence, Jesus has excellent spirit of mind, excellent immunity in the mind, excellent immunity in the realm of the spirit and physical immunity. They all match together. Now, this does mean you are not going to be hungry or tired or you are not going to face situations and climatic conditions which people face. You will face it but your immunity will push it out. What is the use of having strong physical immunity when you have a weak mind? You can’t take words which people speak to you. Do not feast on information that weakens the spiritual immunity of soul. Don’t meditate on things that cast you down or put fear into you. Remember the words of the Lord “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4v4). Be renewed in the spirit of the mind. And if you drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt you. (Mark 16v18) Let all these three immunities match. Don’t have fading or changing spirit of mind. When this is set, you will enjoy the resurrection life and authority of the son of God. Your mind plays an important role. Get your mind suit to this. There are factors that come against the spirit of your mind and pull it down. When you are maturing in the word of God one of the things that you would experience is the use of the words you speak. Once your mind is not settled, your body will not be settled. The spirit, beyond eighty percent has already done for us by the love of the Father as executed by His son Jesus Christ in the story of redemption. The spirit of your mind functions at its best when it is renewed. Apostle Paul told Timothy to stir up the gifts of God (1 Timothy 1v6). How do we stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us? We function in what we know. We exercise what we know. We pray in the spirit. We confess the word of God. Our profession is our confession. (Message by Apostle Edmonds, extracted by PR) LIVE Sunday Worship Service @ Love Embassy of All Nations, Viveknagar Bangalore India. Where Jesus meets your need by His word. Send your prayer request now using the information below, Twitter: @tan_radio Whatsapp: +91 8147908731 Email: [email protected]
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