January 2018
Everyone’s heart were receptive to hear the word of God with a great expectation to enter into the New year of 2018 Crossover message by Apostle Edmonds Owohorode was amazing ,touching every hearts and lives and it was translated into tamil by pastor Suchithra, Everyone’s heart was open to hear the word of God as it was encouraging and it was eye opening to many as they were giving heed to the word of God.
Prophesies and the word for the year 2018 was declared by Prophetess Joanna Owohorode and She ensured that all the members of Love Embassy Of All Nation confess all the declarations: Year of fulfillment 2018 declarations Glory of God revealed through us Functioning with perfect harmony with God Revealing Christ through us Revealing God through His Love Revealing the hand of God Shining brighter and brighter Answer to the world God’s wisdom manifested through us Revealing God’s fullness Made perfect in Him Revealing perfect path to the world Revealing His kingdom, power and glory. Apostle Edmonds Owohorode gave an important announcement about the love feast to the congregation and greeted the whole congregation by speaking encouraging words into their lives Crossover service was ended with a grand celebration with some fun, laughter and comedy by Pastor John and sister Varsha. Reported by Nalini.K Christmas Service on 25-12-2017
Message by Apostle Edmonds Owhorode
Tamil Translation by Pastor Suchithra Heart beat Group dance by Love Embassy of All Nation's Church children Group dance by Love Embassy of All Nation's Church children ; Special Dance by Orphanage children. Solo dance performance by Shanon. Special announcement by Apostle Edmonds Owhorode Warm welcome to Pastor Jake Agape and Esther Jake Agape and to Pastor Elisha by Apostle Edmonds Owhorode and by the church member of Love Embassy of All Nations Benediction by Apostle Edmonds Owhorode Reported by: Nalini.K
The message given by Apostle Edmonds was EVERLASTING LOVE. He taught God’s people how to care for the needy and the hurting around them. He went further and warned those taking advantage of widows snatching their properties means of livelihood. He challenged God’s people to give what their lives depend on and not just some unwanted thing/ goods. It was touching moment as God’s people listen to the word “Everlasting Love”.
Simultaneously, Prophetess Joanna Owhorode went on the street to share the goodness of God with the needy people on the street, homeless and the hungry. It was a breath taking moment to see people in sickness, hunger and just living by the side way, it was honour to give to these people.
Finally, it ended with a grand celebration of the special guests – widows, widower, divorcee, single parent, rejected and the hurting. A special presentation by the children, also other special songs, games, drama, and dance. Then the celebration was wrapped up with lunch. Watch the entire service online now, just click on the play button.
VISION DAY is a time to be refreshed by the purpose of the ministry EOM, what the Lord gave to Apostle Edmonds & Prophetess Joanna Owhorode, the mandate of the ministry. In this year's vision day, the pioneers couldn't make it for the meeting. But watched the meeting LIVE from where they were, but the next day they able to still celebrate the vision day with God's people. Thank you saints for being part of this year's vision day.
Your are truly a MOTHER to me what I couldn't get naturally, I received it double times from you.
Your love has made me stand , each time I think low of myself your words lifts me up I know because it's not man's words it's His word in you that brings life to any impossibility. Your sacrifice has laid a strong foundation in my heart to be a selfless woman for the kingdom and for the Family. Your Yes to God(obedience) has inspired me and trained me to say Yes to my Father no matter the situations and circumstances around me. Your submission to your Lord(husband) has taught me to be a woman and a wife according to the biblical standards . Your commitment to your family has left a mark in my heart to stand for my family at all times(which I'm trying to do) You taught me to see like Him and Act like Him see beyond the natural facts has helped to See Like Him. Your multi tasking just amazes me...You are a dynamic woman of God like some in the bible. People people people is always rings in your heart because it's no longer your heart but His. Pray many women will learn from you and follow your footsteps. A Woman after God's own Heart , A Heart that He can trust and rely that beats for Him always. PRECIOUS JEWEL... RAREST OF RAREST WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN ME PRAISE AND THANK GOD FOR ETERNITY FOR GIVING YOU... You mean so much to me ma...Love you loads By Angel Suchitra P. ![]() 2016 World Changers' day was remarkable as the singles presented their dance "I know who I Am" and followed by Faith E. and Rhema Marvel Owhorode presenting their song "You Raised Up", the air was charged up with the consciousness of the new creation, then Apostle Edmonds Owhorode started a heart to heart talk on the main theme of this year's World Changers' Day - "Your Are Anointed".
Celebrating a World Changer: APOSTLE EDMONDS OWHORODE![]() Happy Birthday Dad I love you You are so good to me and I like you so much You take good care of me When mummy is not there you take good care of me. -RHEMA MARVEL OWHORODE (Daughter) Wish you A Very Happy Birthday Dearest Pastor. We see the Love you teach in action in you, You are a great blessing to our family. May you live to be a 101 and more. -From Mr. John Wilson & Family To Dear Pastor Happy Birthday to you may God Bless you from Zion always, may you live to see your children’s children. Wishing you a very very happy returns of the day. You are a world changer and a history maker, a role model, a great example for all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you abundantly. From your loving daughter Nalini. K NOTE: we will update this report at anytime with more information.
This Friday was a time for Apostle Edmonds & Prophetess Joanna Owhorode to share with their staff a warm celebration as the close the year 2015. They prayed, worshiped, had dinner and heard their staff's story of salvation. It was a moment to remembered the faithfulness of God by giving them such staff. Special Vision Day Service
Join prophetess Joanna Owhorode as she shares the prophecy 09-09-15 of TAMILNADU cyclone and other prophecies...
Apostle Edmonds & Prpt. Joanna Owhorode with their staff spent whole day working on the video report of their non religious campaign which is popularly known as Anti-Suicide and Success Campaign. About three years they have been on high demand among a few colleges in the city of Bangalore, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh India.
Thousands of young people and their lecturers as well has decided to never to commit suicide in their seminars. This video report is to commemorate the World Suicide Prevention Day 2015. For more information please visit www.antisuicide.org Apostle Edmonds Owhorode, led God's people in prayer for the police force of Bangalore city and the state of Karnataka India.
He declared peace over their homes, health etc. They also prayed for widows whose husbands were police. And finally taught on "Dreams and Interpretation" during his teaching he focused Interpretation and night vision. To hear this message visit the church service archieves. Today I shared on "False & True Dreams". How to identify them. Never function with dreams that makes you fight or get angry with human persons but know your real enemy- Satan. Learn more from the uploaded audio file and my message notes.
God is Love. Apostle Edmonds Owhorode According to the tradition of faith in Love Embassy of All Nations, Apostle Edmonds Owhorode encouraged the believers to pray for Nepal and wipe their tears by sending financial support to the nation. After the disaster Apostle Edmonds has led the congregation in prayer for Nepal as they interceded for the world...
EOM News BlogTo know the ministry affairs of Apostle Edmonds & Prpt. Joanna Owhorode. Archives
January 2018
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